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Leadership That Works

As your elected mayor, my biggest priority has been ensuring that we responsibly manage the Town’s resources as our community continues to grow and thrive. I'm very proud of our record these past two years, including: 

  • Approved Erie’s first permanently Affordable Housing in 25 years and successfully leveraged state and federal funding to offset costs, with a goal of 12% permanently affordable by 2035.
  • Protected our families from Forever Chemicals thanks to our new wastewater treatment facility and exceeded the EPA’s standards for PFAs. 
  • Grew our sales tax revenues by 30% and welcomed over 80 new businesses, introducing hundreds of new jobs.
  • Increased our Parks & Open Spaces by 15% to more than 1500 acres.
  • Reduced Mill Levy rates twice and balanced our budgets
  • Invested over $100M in new Capital Improvements while paying Erie’s long-term debt.
  • Welcomed new community members and businesses, including approx. 4000 new residents in nearly 1000 new homes through community-wide events and programs.
  • Strengthened relationships with the local school districts and worked through the siting selection process for a new high school, which will service the east and fastest growing area of Town.
  • Enhanced our Public Safety programs by adding a K9 program, acquiring specialized PPE to increase the safety of our officers, hiring new sworn officers, expanding our mental health program, establishing a Traffic Control Unit, and cracking down on auto theft and property crime.

Friends of Justin Brooks/Registered Agent Justin Brooks
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